
The Synology monitoring solution is a very efficient solution we have used. With a centralized management system (CMS), it is easy to manage all 2000 cameras deployed in 350 stores. This solution is very cost effective and helps us ensure the safety of our valuable products. Guangzhou TianAo Information Technology Co., Ltd.
For the important documents in the store operation department and the finance department computer, we set up an account for the computer and back it up. First use Drive to back up the office files to the branch's NAS, then use Cloud Station ShareSync to sync and archive the files to the DS1618+ at headquarters. It is also very convenient to manage 80 DS218+s of many branches. We can configure and monitor the data of all branches on the DS1618+ of the headquarters, and selectively deliver all the
The stable high-speed transfer capabilities provided by Presto File Server meet our needs and have replaced our previous transport tools. With its flexibility in VDSM deployment and Btrfs file system support, we are now able to consolidate all services into a single server in an efficient manner. Perhaps it can be said that this is a true all-in-one solution.
The SME Innovation Service Cloud Platform is approved by the government, and the relevant government departments take the lead in organizing the construction of a public platform for SMEs and providing them with R&D information and technology services. After the completion of the cloud platform, it will provide information technology services with advanced technology, abundant resources, complete functions, efficient operation, safe and reliable, effectively meet the technological innovation
TianAo Technology's design enterprise private cloud server solution uses Synology nas network storage server to provide enterprise private cloud environment, providing enterprises with rapid environment construction, data security storage, fast file reading and writing, and seamless access to different places. Data storage is just needed. Guangzhou TianAo Information Technology Co., Ltd.
A well-known printing enterprise in the country has found that the existing data storage backup is not applicable to the scale of the enterprise's gradual development, and cannot keep up with the development of enterprise data backup, virtual desktop storage, remote data intercommunication, and post-maintenance expansion. After the comparison trial, the Synology NAS network storage server was selected as the core product, which solved various data storage backup problems encountered by enterpris
In order to solve the data storage, backup and access requirements of internal office and external multimedia exhibitions, a well-known image portal in China finally provides a safe, reliable and fast data storage center by using the Synology NAS network storage server. Guangzhou Tianhao Information Technology Co., Ltd.